Night Vision Operator Course

Chisago Country Sheriff's Office 15230 Per Road, Center City, MN, United States

This 2 day course is designed to provide the tactical officer with a strong foundation for the use of night vision equipment and its role in law enforcement tactical operations. Students will gain hands-on experience with the function and operation of various night vision devices, infrared laser sighting systems, IR lights, and handheld thermal units. […]

Get Tickets $550.00 14 tickets left

Night Vision Advanced Operations Course

Chisago Country Sheriff's Office 15230 Per Road, Center City, MN, United States

This 2-day training was developed for officers with the basic capability to use night vision and thermal in patrol and tactical situations. This course will be the next step for officers to develop their ability to move, shoot, and communicate further while using night vision. This course will include limited classroom, live fire range drills, […]

Get Tickets $550.00 14 tickets left

Counter Ambush Course -2 Day Course

Chisago Country Sheriff's Office 15230 Per Road, Center City, MN, United States

This 2-day patrol level course is designed to enhance your skills to not only survive but dominate an ambush attack while on duty in multiple environments. These situations will include being in your patrol vehicle, on a traffic stop, or working in an area near your squad or other vehicles. In addition to vehicle-related ambush […]

Get Tickets $550.00 13 tickets left