Firearms Instructor Course
April 28 @ 8:00 am - May 2 @ 5:00 pm
Handgun / Patrol Rifle Instructor Certification (5 Days):
The Saint Cloud Police Department and MISSION CRITICAL CONCEPTS are offering a combined handgun and patrol rifle instructor certification course for all firearms instructors. The courses is for agencies that need to add new instructional staff and/or who may be looking to provide updated training to current training staff.
First day: Course participants will be trained in Lesson plan and program research and design, Course and curriculum development, Lesson Plan Presentation, Legal liabilities, OIS Requirements, POST Requirements, Record keeping, Range safety, and Adult learning methodology.
All Additional days will be spent on range conducting live fire drills, Firearms Range Training Exercises, Teach backs and refining the specific course objectives to enhance learning and instructional skill acquisition.
Ammunition Requirements: (Ammunition requirements: 800 handgun and 600 rifle
POST Credits: 40 Hours